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Presentation of

International Organizations



The United Nations was founded in 1945 as an intergovernmental organization aiming to promote international cooperation regarding Peace, Human Rights, Humanitarian Affairs, Development, and International Law agreements. Currently, it is composed of 193 member states that deliberate and decide to guarantee and to comply with international agreements, as well as, in relation to the mediation of political and economical conflicts. It has several bodies in strategic areas (education, health, social security, economy, international justice, environment, etc.), MONITORING, training and  monitoring the development and cooperation goals.

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The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization was also established in 1945. It is the UN agency responsible for the areas of Education, Natural Sciences, Communication/Information, Culture, and social and human sciences. The main objective of this agency is to encourage and to promote "intellectual and moral solidarity of humanity."

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The United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) was created in 1946 by the UN with the specific objective of promoting and guaranteeing the rights of children and adolescents. UNICEF mobilizes resources (political, economic, and cultural) and develops several projects that ensure the well-being of children and their full development in order to achieve the aforementioned  goal.

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The Organization of American States was founded in 1948 aiming to promote cooperation and solidarity among the Independent States of the Americas. Democracy, human rights, security, and development are the fundamental principles followed by this organization.

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The Inter-American Children's Institute is an organization associated to the Organization of American States (OAS) specialized in issues related to childhood and adolescence. IIN supports the American States in the creation, implementation, and improvement of public policies to promote, to protect, and to respect the rights of children and adolescents.

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Organization of Ibero-American States for Education, Science and Culture is an international and inter-governmental body, founded in 1949 to promote, among Iberian-American countries, in the fields of Education, Science, Technology, and Culture in the context of comprehensive development, democracy, and regional integration.

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The Pan American Health Organization was founded in 1902 with the purpose of promoting technical cooperation in health to the American countries. This organization especially aims to strength health systems, to improve health and quality of life of the countries populations. Practically, this translates into, but it is not restricted to, the fight against diseases and their causes.

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The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees was established in 1950 aiming to provide support and protection to refugees worldwide. This agency effort is associated  with economic, political, and social sectors seeking to influence compliance with practices that guarantee the protection of all who need it. Among its action strategies, the main one is the search for lasting solutions that assure refugees to rebuild their lives with dignity. 

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The International Labour Organization, is a UN multilateral agency created in 1919, it aims to promote social justice through compliance with international regulations, conventions, and recommendations related to Work/Employment, social protection, human resources, health, and safety at work, etc.

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The World Health Organization, was founded in 1948 with the aim of bringing together efforts in international cooperation for the promotion of health to all peoples. Among this organization main activities are the sponsorship of programs for the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of diseases.

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The Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean was founded in 1948 by the United Nations Economic Council with the mission of promoting and encouraging economic cooperation among member states that are not limited only to Latin American and Caribbean countries. Among its areas of activity are the following purposes: economic, productive, business, and social development, sustainability and population and natural resource development.

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