Ana Carolina Ramos Passos

Master student student in Education by the Graduate program in Education at the Pontifical Catholic University of Paraná – PUCPR. Undergraduate in Pedagogy at the same University. She received the Marcellin Champagnat Prize for Academic Merit. Member of the research group Public Policies and Teacher Training. She is currently a teacher in Elementary School - Early Years in the City of São José dos Pinhais and a teacher of Early Childhood Education in a private educational institution.
PASSOS, Ana Carolina Ramos. A educação em direitos humanos no contexto escolar. In: III Congresso Internacional de Direitos Humanos e Políticas Públicas: Democracias, desigualdades e lutas sociais. Anais... Curitiba: PUCPR, 2018. Disponível em: https//www.even3.com.br/anais/humanitaspucprdh/125255-A-EDUCACAO-EM-DIREITOS-HUMANOS-NO-CONTEXTO-ESCOLAR.
PASSOS, Ana Carolina Ramos; LIMA, Thalita Vianna. O papel do professor frente as dificuldades de aprendizagem: compreender para melhor educar. In: VIV Congresso Nacional de Educação - EDUCERE: Formação de Professores - diálogos, 2019, Curitiba. Anais.... Curitiba: PUCPR, 2019.